Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Start the Revolution

Ernesto Che Guevara, also known as El Che was one of the greatest revolutionary men of all time, fighting for the human rights of people of color. From huge political issues to helping men and women gain their rights in the work force. Things from cosecha (field work) to the workers in the factories he helped give these, often times illiterate people a voice. He did more than just speak and give hope through words, but what set this man apart from the rest was his willingness to be hands on involved with everything he spoke of changing. He was there working with all the people he spoke to and making the necessary moves to create a positive change.

Although, some of Che's actions could be perceived by some as "too much" or crossing certain moral lines, he never, till the day he was murdered, stopped fighting for what he believed in, and for that very reason his legacy lives on like many other men including; Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Nelson Mandela, John F. Kennedy. Though communism may have lost its fire, he remains the potent symbol of rebellion and the alluring zeal of revolution. 

Che made his mark in history fighting for fair labor for minorities and their rights to having a safe environment as well as making the most of the land the were equipped with. So the question I'm opposing is who will be the next person man or woman to help give a voice to the men and women who can't speak for themselves?

By: Heidi Nunez

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