Thursday, March 8, 2012

Coca "Carcinogenic" Cola

Many people in the United States, such as myself, have become adamant about reading the ingredients in the food we eat. Yet, perhaps this is not enough. Prompted by pressure from California health authorities, Coca-Cola is now changing the ingredient labeled as "caramel colouring" in their drinks. This "caramel colouring" is actually a "stew" containing 4-methylimidazole, which is known to the state of California as a carcinogen. Although the formula is being changed, there was a serious backlash from those in the beverage industry who proclaimed this was all just part of the "old cancer scam."

If we cannot even trust the labels we read, how are we to make proper judgments on the food we eat? Whether or not the beverage industry truly thinks their "caramel colouring" is a risk, the fact that they have simplified a chemical process into "caramel colouring" is enough to force a change. The public has a right to know exactly what it is they are putting into their bodies.This relates to environmental racism because low-income families are likely to be consuming Coca-Cola.

Whether or not companies believe the general public will understand the chemicals used in their products, it is imperative that they provide us with the information. To think that a known carcinogen is being labeled as simply "caramel colouring" is unacceptable and one that could likely leave Coca-Cola in court. Coca-Cola spans the globe, so this is a worldwide issue. The work done by California health officials in this case should be praised by all those who seek food justice.

Article here

by Chris Graham

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