Monday, February 13, 2012


Cartoons- not usually what comes to mind when we think about environmental racism or matters affecting our world and more importantly our home here in the U.S. This Political cartoon portrays the comical cold truth of asbestos/pollution affecting people of color in 3rd world countries. The hypocrisy that the richer "white" countries are awarded a certificate with a seal of approval for "Zero-Asbestos-Tolerance-Where-It-Really-Matters." As ridiculously  long that he title is so is the fact that these western countries think they're actually doing something good by dumping all their waste to places where the majority of people don't have the resources to protect themselves. All these other 3rd world countries are suffering from the simple arrogance and ignorance of the wealthy asbestos creators. The cruelest part of all this is the ignorance coming from us, the people that make up these countries. The longer we turn our backs and brush the dirt under the rug the more harm we are allowing to be done to the Earth. Let us not forget that knowledge is power, the more we know about the "TRUTH" the more of a threat we will become by demanding our rights and helping others attain theirs as well. Feel free to add what this speaks, yells, whispers to you.. and maybe share with your friends for more opinions. There's definitely more than one right answer.

by: Heidi Nuñez

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